How to order?
You can place an order on olipeypite.com: from your computer, your smartphone or your tablet.
What are the different payment methods?
On olipeypite.com , you can pay for your order:
. by credit card
Is online payment secure?
All information conveyed is encoded and the confidentiality and security of your transactions are guaranteed.
What are the delivery methods?
The delivery method offered by olipeypite.com is as follows:
. Home delivery
How do I track my package?
You can access the tracking of your order at any time via a link which will be sent to you when the shipment of your package is confirmed.
Can I return my package?
If you wish to return items to us, please enclose the return slip received in your package.
If you do not have the return slip, please contact customer service.
How does the reimbursement work?
Reimbursement occurs within 14 days, to the bank card you used during the purchase, upon receipt of your return package.